Online Exam: Chapters 1 - 6 for Practice

  • Due No due date
  • Points 37
  • Questions 37
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 2


Do not take this quiz unless you are the one student who made the special request due to an error.

Learning Objectives:

1.  Implement Statistical Design.

2.  Calculate and Interpret statistics and charts.

3.  Apply both discrete and continuous distribution theory.

4.  Find Normal probabilities.

5.  Correctly Implement the Central Limit Theorem.

Before you begin this online exam it is recommended that you review all of the concepts from chapters 1 through 6.  If you are having difficulty with a concept please get help from your instructor, a tutor or one of your fellow students.

Please answer all the questions on this exam.  You will not be able to retake this exam, so do not begin until you have studied for it thoroughly.  This exam is meant to provide you with a gauge to determine how you are doing so far in this class. 

Good luck!

Student Learning Outcomes Addressed in this Quiz:

  1. Design and implement an unbiased study that will produce sound statistical results.
  2. Generate and interpret statistics and graphs from data that arise from surveys and experiments.
  3. Implement the rules of probability.